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Being Single

Well after going through an article “The 50 Best Things about Being Single”. I was thinking that is it really hurts being single? Lets talks about the other side of the mirror, being single may be fun .we have to just think that is it really so fun being in a relationship? The soul of a healthy relationship lies in the better understanding. You can see your best friend could be in the relationship from hell, your another friend could be in a monotonous and uneventful relationship, but I find people still feel sorry for being single? Is something wrong here? They might even imply that something’s “wrong” with them if they’re single. Single life can be the most exciting time of your life. It’s just the matter of Attitude, so what really matters is the attitude towards life. Change the attitude and u will never feel sorry for being single  and can speak out loudly with proud “I am single and loving it”. That’s not the only reason I can name you a lot of reasons some of them may be like as follows…

Being single we can always focus on friendship. Being single doesn’t have to mean being lonely. When you’re single, you have more time to do a variety of things, all of which are opportunities of new friendships. Even if you’re an introvert, this can be an excellent time to rip your extroverted side. Make it a priority in your life to create meaningful friendships and enrich your existing ones. Being single “You can spend as much time as you want with your friend and family and nobody’s lip will drag the ground.”

Generally people’s advice about relationship dictates that compromise, sacrifice is essential to a healthy relationship. Perhaps if you’ve been in a relationship before, you realize how much stuff you had to give up and what you pay in order to making that relationship work. Or maybe you forgot about that stuff, because you’re focused on the things you miss. Well, this is a good time to shift that focus. If you’re unsystematic guy, isn’t it great to be able to be properly systematic for some other person? If you’re a neat freak, isn’t it wonderful to be able to organize everything, and find it the way you left it? Isn’t it nice to be able to work that a partner might be averse to? Isn’t it cool to be able to go out spontaneously, without wondering whether your partner can or should be invited and join you? A relationship can add many good things to your life, but it also adds some rigidity and many constrains, so take the time to appreciate your current flexibility. Being single “You can have eight hours of undisturbed sleep with the covers all to yourself.”And “You can be happy with who you are, not who he or she wants you to be.”

Relationships tend to come along with lot of planning for example; you can’t just accept a job across the country without touching base with your partner. And generally, if you’re in it for the long term, you’ll likely talk about what you’ll be doing years from now. But when you’re single, the future is completely open. Today you’re at your desk with present and a year from now you might be somewhere else with some new things. So being single “You don’t have to deal with anyone’s grumpy, moody personalities.”

Being single you can always enjoy your freedom. Everybody has his own dreams and desires, and the chance of pairing up with someone who shares such a fantasy with equal fervour is not something to hold your breath for. So what are you waiting for? Find some people who have the same idea, or just go for it alone, and you’ll meet like-minded people along the way. There might be some adventurous endeavours you might want to indulge in. Being single “The TV Guide crossword puzzle is YOURS, ALL YOURS.”

And finally u can spoil yourself. Being single gives you a lot more “you” time. Go spoil yourself! Do whatever you love to do. Just like this

“You can go out and flirt as much as your heart desires, without a worry in the world.”

So enjoy your single dome and Just say “I love being single”

Save Energy Go green

Not with envy, but kindness to the environment, and alertness to your electricity bills
You leave your PC on all day. But you care for the environment, so you switch off the monitor. Good move, but did you know you are still wasting about 45 Watts with the CPU running?
That’s what Tufts University’s Climate Initiative says. And it also says that if you leave your PC on for the entire day, 850-1500 pounds of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere a year. And this means that you need 60-300 trees to absorb that much CO2 in a year.
That does get you thinking doesn’t it! Now, all that noise about climate change because of our insensitivity to the environment starts to make sense. We cut down trees, we waste electricity, we replace cellphones and gadgets with the latest ones, without bothering about what really happens to the old ones. While there could be debates on how much all this really impacts our environment, most of us know intuitively that what we are doing mindlessly is really not right, and is likely to have negative repercussions.
That is why the world over, the word Green is becoming red hot. Green computing is in. This means that you start to use computing resources efficiently. It’s not just about being good to Mother Nature, but also being able to save a lot of money being spent on electricity. For companies that have thousands and thousands of computers running, datacenters keeping their businesses up and running, all this can add to a huge fortune. In fact, going green is now gaining so much momentum that those companies which do not have green computing initiatives are seen as enemies of the environment.
So how does it matter to you? You might have one PC and a laptop at home, in addition to the multiple electronic devices you run. And you might even be considering another PC for the little one. Think if you really need all those PCs. Buy only if you have to. While buying, remember that laptops consume less power, so it could be wiser to go the portable way. Or if you need to look at a PC, opt for monitors that consume less power. LCD monitors need much less power than CRT ones. Look for Energy Star ratings and save energy.
Explore the power saving options of your PC and customize them to suit the way you work. If you often go away from your PC for a long time, you can set the monitor and hard disk to be switched off after a few minutes of no-activity.
To dispose old PCs and gadgets, get in touch with NGOs working in this area and figure out the best way to do so. Or if you own a branded PC or gadget, get in touch with the company and ask how this e-waste can be managed. Most computer vendors and cellphone makers have Green initiatives on, so you might get some help.
These are still early days for green initiatives for companies in India. But if you and I make a start, the rest will fall in place.


Life is short, and everyone should live life to the fullest! You only get one chance to live. Make it the best. Each person lives differently….so make the spotlights shine on your life .

Live life in the moment. The only thing that is assured in life is this moment and death. So cherish every moment of life and make it worthwhile.

Try making life better for the less fortunate people in the world. They could be anyone, from an orphan in Orisa to a pauper in Mumbai . Some dollars less in your account will not make a significant difference to you but will make an impact on someone’s life. These are the deeds that make you happy in reality, knowing that you have made a difference.

Be comfortable with yourself. Love and accept yourself, even if others don’t. Know who you are. You will naturally become an outgoing person if you can do this. Also, have an internal locus of control (an internal locus of control implies the belief that one is largely in control of the things that happen to her/him), meaning be who you are and stay true no matter the situation. Be strong and continue to grow your entire life.

Accept other people, even if they’re different. Really different. You don’t have to like everyone, just show acceptence and tolerance and you’ll be cool with everyone (extremely important in connections later on). Also understand not everyone has your world view, thinks like you, or has the same values. But one thing everyone does want is to be treated kindly. You can’t judge anyone else because you don’t know what that person has been through and how it’s affected them. Not everyone reacts to the same situations the same way. Some have more tolerance than others. Judging anyone is purely to organize your own little world into making a little more sense.

Find a purpose or meaning to your life. Whether that be a cause to help the world, religion, or just any kind of worthwhile goal (world domination only if you’ll treat the world right).
Accept death. Yes, it can be scary. But it’s going to happen, one day you will die. Let it echo through you, and you can begin to appreciate life. Trust you will be okay. Trust it or you’ll go crazy.Live your life with the motto ” If I die now I die happy .

Live each day as if it’s your last! There’s no day but today to do what you want.
In this idealistic approach, it is also necessary to balance it with reality. Life is a balancing act, it requires constant effort.

Once you make a plan, follow it! There’s no point in making a to-do list or a schedule if you aren’t going to go through with it.

Do not whine about what you don’t have. Enjoy what you have and desire, work towards what you want to have.

Don’t feel jealous of people who are either better looking or have more money, or for that matter have anything that you don’t but desire. Try to achieve it by working hard and making things work for you. Beauty and materialistic things in life don’t last very long. What lasts is your soul. So it is important to have a clean and beautiful soul. trust me friends you will get